-Notre Dame is run by a bunch of morons. They openly admit that overall the program is in better shape than it was 3 years ago, but they have not seen enough improvement on the field. They fire Tyron Willingham with the basic understanding that they are going to hire Urban Meyer. Well these pompas assholes meet with Meyer and in less than 2 hours he is already turn off by their smug attitudes and they fact they can’t accept that he wouldn’t sign his name up immediately. Meyer calls Florida and says, let’s talk, and next thing you know he is the new coach of the Florida Gators, a team loaded with talent thanks to Ron Zook. Now, I am not sure what the expression “Egg on your face is” and certain I have never used it, but this seems to be an appropriate situation in which to use it. Notre Dame indeed has Egg on its face, or for those more simple minded “they are left holding their dicks in the wind.”
-Tyrone Willingham just oozes class. He has every right and opportunity to absolutely slam Notre Dame and everything about their program and he has done nothing but take the high road. There are dozens of schools that would be lucky to have such a fine man as their football coach, and I hope he schedules Notre Dame’s sorry ass and smokes ‘em.
-Urban Meyer is smart. He will have Florida competing for a National Title in 2 years.
-The SouthEastern Conference is not very good in basketball. I think every team lost accept for Alabama this weekend, to a list of ACC and SoCon schools.
-The Eagles are the greatest team of all time. They absolutely blitzkrieged the Packers, who were thought to be legitimate competition in the NFC. If they do not go to the Super Bowl Andy Reid should be fire, NO EXCUSES THIS YEAR!!
-Maybe Chad Hutchinson should have been given a better shot by the Dallas Cowboys?
-The BCS rules!!!!
-Charles Barkley on College Gameday. That guy rules and he analyzes football pretty darn well for just being a dumb basketball player.
-The Polar Express. Visually it was an incredible movie. The story was extremely touching and very well done by Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks. A typical “children’s movie,” that is certainly more appreciated by adults.
-The Denver Broncos and Jake Plummer losing again. Can people please stop it with this guy? He fucking blows!! Yes I thought he would be a good NFL QB but I was wrong, I can admit it, why can’t NFL GM’s?
-The fact that my fantasy basketball team is going down the pooper due to injuries and lack of playing time because of poor attitudes (I’m looking in your direction Rafer Alston)
-The big Victor Conti 20/20 interview. What a bunch of crap this was. That thing sucked, he sucked and ABC suckered all of us into believing that he would just start rolling people under the bus. When I want steroid news I will turn to my local “Steroid News Daily” (a.ka. The San Francisco Chronicle).
-Our loss to Clemson. We played like dog crap and deserved to lose, but it still sucked.
-All the steroid talk, again you already know my feelings but people keep pissing me off with it. All these nonsense talkers are still going to watch and celebrate the home run.
-I will however perpetuate the steroid talk. Mark McGwire gets off so scott free in all of this. He had a smart trainer who told him to put a bottle of Andro in his locker and let reporters see it. That way he had a story to tell about what he was taking. All weekend people kept saying Bonds, Giambi, Canseco, Caminiti and Sosa and the “well McGwire was on Andro.” Fuck Andro, he was on STEROIDS!!!!
-The Lakers story still carrying on. I must voice my displeasure with SportsCenter trying to re-hash this story over and over and over again. I know Josh will love the fact that I am hating on the Center, but the Lakers story is so old, get over it already. They bowed to Kobe we all know it, it is like telling us Barry Bonds did steroids.
The Bengals won their first road game against a team with a winning record in 14 years. 14 years people, Brett Favre had not started game yet in his career. Peyton Manning was in high school. George Herbert Walker Bush was President. That is the sign of a truly pathetic franchise.