Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Comedians I love

(I do appreciate all the suggestions sent forth by my loyal readers. I have taken several of them under advisement and have begun to coalate material together for future posts. Some of the ideas were a little hard to do. For those wanting something about Mac & Hot Robbie and other particulars of the USC Basketball program, it would be to difficult to explain in words. Most of those things need pictures and graphs to grasp there full understanding. However, Josh & Dan both sparked some intriguing ideas. Dan I am working on some of your ideas, including a very long and thoughtful piece on the Jews and how they are out to ruin the world. Today I am here to compile a "list" of sorts on my favorite comedians, even though I am working on a piece on how much I hate lists & countdowns.)

Here are my all time favorite stand ups, each with a signature joke that I love:

BILL COSBY: He has great material, most of it clean. He can do a whole act not say a dirty word and make you laugh out loud. Bill Cosby Himself is one of the 2 best stand up acts ever.
"Daddy's great, give us the chocolate cake."

DAVE ATELL: This guy has some filthy material, his comedy relates to the ultimate dirtbag loser in all of us.
"A man with one arm always has a good story, "lost it in a knife fight", but a guy with one tooth wheres the story? Well I like to eat a lot of taffy."

MITCH HEDBERG: Has a cool orginal act of one liners. Tremendous deliver, really plays to the audience well. Has some great stoner material.
"I used to be in a death metal band.....people either loved us or they hated us..........or they thought we were OK."

LEWIS BLACK: Has the best material around. His comedy is socially relevant and he is more intelligent than most newscasters.
"Yeah laugh now! You'll see Willard Scott, Willard Scott he smiles so much I don't think he has a central nervous system! You'll see Willard Scott standing on the lawn of the Washington Monument dressed in a great big chipmunk suit, and giant frogs will be bouncing off his head.....and he'll say "Giant frogs, Giant Frogs what can I say....aaagghhhhhhhhh....back to you"

JAY LONDON: To me the funniest guy in 2 seasons of Last Comic Standing. Combines intelligent comedy with a twisted sense of self deprication, works mostly with one liners.
"I went for an AIDS test and my doctor told me to think positive." (I bet many people will not get that joke, that is where his material is, on a higher plane than most comedic audiences.)

EDDIE MURPHY: This guy was as out there and edgy as it came. He was a shooting star, before he started all that acting crap. He is like the Jose Canseco of comedy, when he first came out he was simply brilliant and he fell from grace and became a laughing stock.
"Norton when I bend over, YOU.........START..............FUCKING!"

GEORGE CARLIN: Does anything truly need to be said? He is the greatest of all time, no doubt no discussion. Most intelligent and relevant comeday EVER.
"I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's !?"

RODNEY DANGERFIELD: This guy is from the old school. A true stand up comedian, he new how to work a room when on stage.
"People have too much hate. I hear guys talk, they don't like their mother-in-law, they hate their mother-in-law. Me, I love my mother-in-law - it's her daughter I can't stand!"

ANDREW "DICE" CLAY: Tore the cover off of more arenas than anyone ever. He was a rock and roll star on stage. His shows had great crowd energy and his material was way out there and disgusting.
"So I got my tongue up this chicks ass right............I mean you know how boring it can be when your on line at the bank."


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