What to do?
I could talk about the World Series, and the lack of great pitching that has actually plagued this series rather than highlighted it. But that would be revisionist, and I hate doing that. Even though I did tell you clowns nobody would watch this thing and I was of course correct. I do not know anyone who actually saw Podsednik’s Homerun, including myself. I swear to you Joe Buck just said on the broadcast, “We talked about how this could be a throwback series with great pitching, and it has been anything but.” Damn, I am good!
We could discuss the passing of an NFL legend, Giants owner Wellington Mara. How much he has meant to the growth of the NFL in this country and in New York. But what insight would I really provide, having never met the man. Many writers, way more accomplished than me will eulogize him in the New York papers and give him the proper respect he deserves, rather than the nonsensical ramblings of a fat man.
If we were to talk about the Katrina Death Probes about patient neglect and possible Euthanasia it would just be tee time for my left winged Jewish friends to blast me and blame me and George W. Bush for every problem in America. Every time we try and discuss something political it always comes down to that topic, to quote Phife Dog “that’s played out like 8-Ball jackets.”
Again discussing this topic would be fodder for my leftist friends. Plus all day I have been trying to figure out the significance of this death. Every death of an American soldier is tragic, none more than the other. But people in America like things package into nice round numbers. This sounds a lot like something George Carlin might have said, maybe I’ll look it up.
I have seen three movies recently and am looking forward to seeing a few more that come out here in the near future. But I would mostly be open for ridicule if I recommend everyone go see “In Her Shoes” with Cameron Diaz, it is easily a Top 5 movie of this year. “Elizabethtown” was pretty good, and had all the typical hallmarks of a Cameron Crowe movie; including some righteous music, but by no means his best work. Or we could talk about Charlize Theron maybe winning a second Academy Award for her most recent performance in “North Country,” a powerful drama with a great, albeit false, courtroom scene at the end of the movie. And I could let you know that Nikka Caro is a great director, her only two major films being 2003’s “Whale Rider” and now “North Country,” but Dann will make fun of me for seeing a movie that has Whale in the tile.
The BCS and college football is all in a quandary again this season. Self righteous college football fans are yelling playoff this and playoff that, but again, haven’t we been to this rodeo before? I have no energy for this ridiculous topic, so a computer put Texas ahead of USC, whoopty doo. We all know USC is the best team in the West, the NFC West that is, so who care what a computer says? Not me, I have more important things to think about, like which porn sight to go look at; www.MILFHunter.com or RoundandBrown.com.
I could talk about the World Series, and the lack of great pitching that has actually plagued this series rather than highlighted it. But that would be revisionist, and I hate doing that. Even though I did tell you clowns nobody would watch this thing and I was of course correct. I do not know anyone who actually saw Podsednik’s Homerun, including myself. I swear to you Joe Buck just said on the broadcast, “We talked about how this could be a throwback series with great pitching, and it has been anything but.” Damn, I am good!
We could discuss the passing of an NFL legend, Giants owner Wellington Mara. How much he has meant to the growth of the NFL in this country and in New York. But what insight would I really provide, having never met the man. Many writers, way more accomplished than me will eulogize him in the New York papers and give him the proper respect he deserves, rather than the nonsensical ramblings of a fat man.
If we were to talk about the Katrina Death Probes about patient neglect and possible Euthanasia it would just be tee time for my left winged Jewish friends to blast me and blame me and George W. Bush for every problem in America. Every time we try and discuss something political it always comes down to that topic, to quote Phife Dog “that’s played out like 8-Ball jackets.”
Again discussing this topic would be fodder for my leftist friends. Plus all day I have been trying to figure out the significance of this death. Every death of an American soldier is tragic, none more than the other. But people in America like things package into nice round numbers. This sounds a lot like something George Carlin might have said, maybe I’ll look it up.
I have seen three movies recently and am looking forward to seeing a few more that come out here in the near future. But I would mostly be open for ridicule if I recommend everyone go see “In Her Shoes” with Cameron Diaz, it is easily a Top 5 movie of this year. “Elizabethtown” was pretty good, and had all the typical hallmarks of a Cameron Crowe movie; including some righteous music, but by no means his best work. Or we could talk about Charlize Theron maybe winning a second Academy Award for her most recent performance in “North Country,” a powerful drama with a great, albeit false, courtroom scene at the end of the movie. And I could let you know that Nikka Caro is a great director, her only two major films being 2003’s “Whale Rider” and now “North Country,” but Dann will make fun of me for seeing a movie that has Whale in the tile.
The BCS and college football is all in a quandary again this season. Self righteous college football fans are yelling playoff this and playoff that, but again, haven’t we been to this rodeo before? I have no energy for this ridiculous topic, so a computer put Texas ahead of USC, whoopty doo. We all know USC is the best team in the West, the NFC West that is, so who care what a computer says? Not me, I have more important things to think about, like which porn sight to go look at; www.MILFHunter.com or RoundandBrown.com.
Well played Andrew, a line that shows the intellgence and creativeness of Tribe rhymes!!
I saw Podsednik's blast. I also saw the grand slam, that shouldn't have been. 40 degrees and not one flinch from the hitter, but the ump said he was hit by the pitch, BULLSHIT! Just another way to make sure the White Sox win. Anyhoo, the BcS sucks. Yes, we all know that USC is the best team in America, which is why Texas shouldn't be ranked ahead of them. And if the BcS says that, then it doesn't work,PERIOD. I agree with Chris Fowler, maybe the teams USC has beaten haven't been the powers everyone thought, but many have been hit by injuries, and you know that each of those teams played their best game against SC. I know first hand what kind of stuff Rick Minter does with his defense. He is a damn good defensive coach, and he put everything he had into stopping the Trojans, and couldn't do it. My money is still on a four team playoff.
#1 USC vs #4 Virginia Tech
#2 Texas vs #3 Alabama
USC beats VT by two TD's and Alabama beats Texas by a FG
Then USC beats Alabama by 17.
USC National Champs, end of story.
I too saw Podesednik's homer and could have cared less in the process. The only reason I was watching the game was to pretend I was interested in it so I wouldn't have to roll over and touch or speak to my wife. So it was a lose lose situation!!
So Slipps, tell me why you think a playoff system won't work? Why exactly does the NCAA keep fighting this? Why cant they just use the BCS to determine the top 16 teams and then hold a a tourney involving them? Each game in each round can be a diff bowl game. The schools involved in the tourney will receive equal if not more money then they would in a regular bowl game, the sponsors would receive more advertising, more people would watch, and an ultimate winner would be decided. It will also alleviate the 4-5 week gap in between the schoold last regular season game and their bowl game. I usually watch at most 2-3 bowl games a year. Mostly because I could care less about the pther ones. If a tourney wss set up, I guarentee you I'll watch almost all of them. People will bet more on it. It will turn the casual fan into the super fan much like the basketball tourney does. So many positives to only a few drawbacks, and the other schools can still have their lame ass crap bowl games too if they want them! Whatever, it will work, why are we fighting this?
As far as the MLB, BCS and national policy, all I have to say if Vince McMahon were in charge of more stuff, things would be a whole lot better. On a side note, if I could pick any Steeler to impersonate in a bar to pick up chicks, it would not be Ben Rutholesbunger like that knucklehead in Pittsburgh, but probably Charlie Batch. Afterall, ladies just don't love one Charlie they love the whole Charlie Batch. I had to get that joke in there. - BP
I am not fighting the whole playoff system thing it is the University Presidents and AD's who are. And most of these people are bottom line, put money in my pocket kind of people, and very smart too. You are a barely educated sometimes finacial guy thingy and full time Bouncer, with the IQ of a tic. Don't you think if they thought they could make even more money by doing something like this that they would? Why do you think the NCAA bought the NIT this summer, not that the NIT was taking away any business from the NIT but because they can now have a monopoluy over things and make more money.
If they found a way to do a playoff system that would get them more cash they would do it. But right now they are locked in to the second most lucrative sports television contract ever.
Why would they want to change that? So that Andrew Zoltan and Keith DeBlasio will think college football is cool enough to watch?
Willie, love the Charlie Batch joke!! Remember when was going to be the Lions Quarterback of the future? That worked out well for both of them!
Slipps, I tend to agree with everything Dann says. He is much smarter than you or I or anyone running the NCAA.
This s the skinny (compareativly) DeBlasio Brother chiming in now -
Kris for a good movie, you should see "Littel Manhattan" if it makes it to your part of the world. I know you have a thing against some "indy" films, but this is an Indy with great productin vales, casting script and story, yet will never be the giant BLOCKBUSTER that studios want , so it will recieve little funding and less exposure. Just tyr to see it.
imperial wiz~
only a couple more comments regarding this lame blog and you'll beat the record, way to go!!!!!!
Wow....an IQ of a tic, eh??? Gee thanks!! I'm assuming you're basing this on the fact that I cared not to do any work in college and barely graduated. I could see if I put forth a stern effort and failed many classes that you could say I'm dumb, but to graduate with minimal effort, to me that shows that I'm just smart enouhg to know what I have to do to get by without trying at all!! I know I didn't work at a radio station, or hold a camera, or devour a gross of mac and cheese in my tidy whities, but I hardly think that resume is dripping with intelligence either!!
And for the record I was a PART TIME bouncer and have since quit! So stick that in fife....
And there is nobody at the NCAA smarter then me...I've got an arm like Elway!
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